Its Cold Outside

Hi Kelli here, well its Sunday night and I am just now sitting down to do my blog for Saturday and Sunday. This day is a cold day outside and yesterday was too, I really dont like cold weather, but we all have to live through it. I dont like to go out in this stuff or I will get pneumonia from being outside. We have had a good weekend, we went out to Buffalo Wild Wings with my brother on Saturday night and had the ultimate nachos which were 1190 calories and still stayed within the calorie intake.

I came home with a very dizzy head and a migraine that had started really bad so I went to bed pretty fast and didnt get up til late today because I just didnt feel good. My  headache is somewhat over I still get a pain in the back of my head, I really dont know what is going on. My husband is doing well he has lost 27 pounds and I have lost 18 pounds so its been a pretty good month. We honestly eat all the time, its insane but we have to have so many calories otherwise we would gain all the weight.

We have been eating cereal for snacks and apples and all kinds of fruit. We eat the tv dinners for our main meal to get the most calories for the day. We really dont eat out like we had been doing for a long time, but you can if that is the food you want to eat. We have just noticed that when we do eat a meal at mcdonalds or raising canes or some place like that we dont feel full for the rest of the day and we have used up our calories. Its just better to eat 3 or 4 small meals a day that way you get the calories and you feel like you have eaten something.

We even had baked apples as a snack on Saturday and boy were they good and not very many calories either. I know we will get through this and lose this weight finally! It is just something that has always been my problem ever since I was a kid, it just never went away back then but now with Gods help we can make it through .

Talk to you all tomorrow961cfeaf586cfe35be9762d55ec1a4a3

Weigh day was fun

I decided I better weigh this morning since I had been on here now for a month, so I weighed and to my delight I have lost 18 pounds in 1 month. I was so excited it really does work, all you have to do is count your calories. Just get it in your mind that this is the year that you are going to do something different and change your life, all you have to do is try and before you know it you are taking your steps one step at a time. I got through the first month and now onto another day of counting those calories. We both did well today stayed within my calories and still didn’t touch any pop. I would say I’m keeping it under control. Now onto a good night’s sleep.

Until then,Life is good

Being sick is no fun

I have been sick the last few days which is not fun. I got sick yesterday and really felt like I was going to die the way I felt.  I couldn’t get home fast enough to get back to laying down but I didn’t really lay down, I just sat up and froze to death all evening. I slept really late today and I still feel bad but not nearly like yesterday. I still stayed within my calorie budget yesterday and today. I’m watching my Food intake and making sure I eat at least 1200 calories everyday not much more than that but at least that. I have completely gone off of pop even diet pop, I just drink tea now. Tim is really getting into losing weight and I am so glad he is we both are but I was starting to get scared with Tim. I know how fast it is to just keep going on with your  weight if you don’t watch it and that is where we were at. I know people say oh I can’t do this around the holidays it’s the wrong time, well when your life is on the line there is no wrong time! Anytime you feel you can start just start! Just count the calories. It’s the best present you can give yourself and it really is simple just count your calories and exercise if you can. Drink water instead of pop and try and stay away from sugar if you can. But just start that’s the main thing. You will never regret it when you do!  My night is going by fast so I am going to close and just say Good Luck to each of you I know how you feel because I have been there too many times and hopefully this is the last time.

Until then,Life is goodYes-9f6887af-f76b-39c0-b5ca-35275e3dee02

Finally something working

I have finally found something that actually works as far as weight loss goes. I mean I knew it all along but I didnt believe it before. I dont know why because I saw my nephew losing his weight and he did this same thing, but I just wasnt into it yet. It just wasnt my time yet. The one thing you have to be is ready or you wont do it, it just wont work unless you are wanting it too. I have always wanted to lose weight but until I got to the worst point of my weight I just wasnt ready to lose it. I am now its finally coming off and it feels good to actually know it will all be off in the next two years.

Seeing my nephew lose his should have really given  me the want to do it but I tried and did lose some weight but I just didnt keep losing and ended up gaining it all again. Now I am losing it again but this time I want to lose it and keep it off and its so simple.

We eat our amount of calories and then we stop, and thats it. Of course we dont drink pop and eat very little on the sweets. We eat tv dinners and count the calories and we eat salad stuff and drink tea and water. I try not to have any sugar at least real sugar. I do drink splenda in my tea but thats it. Its going to be hard getting through Christmas with all of the candy that has always come our way this time of the year. I love fudge and peanut brittle, my grandpa used to make the best fudge for Christmas and he gave the recipe on down to my aunt, now she makes the best fudge and she brings it around every Christmas.

We have done well this weekend, we just focus on it now and make it something we have to do for ourselves. Thats the main key you have to make it important for yourself. You make YOU important. All of the problems that go with weight gain is just something I am so ready to get rid of. I am lucky though I dont have Diabetes but I do have every other problem that goes along with weight gain. I am now ready and willing to get rid of all of these problems. I want to see myself thin for the first time in my life. I have never been thin after I turned 18 I started gaining weight because I was homesick for my family and just kept gaining the weight. Now I am almost 50 and ready to see what I will look like. A whole different lifestyle for me and Tim. We will be able to finally walk again, thats the main thing and we will feel so good finally.

I am going to get off right now but will be back tomorrow.

Until then,Life is good44904_10150262043495262_5354279_nThis is me at 15 I had a problem face and I weighed 150 pounds through school but at 18 I went up to 185 while living in California. I ate too much was just like ice cream.

Doctors day

Well we had a Christmas parade tonight but my husband and I didnt go, it was way too cold around 27 degrees tonight and getting colder. I used to love to go to the parades but I get so sick anymore that I like it better staying in when its this cold. Tim and I  have been blogging now for about 3 weeks and dieting that long too. Tim has now lost 21 pounds in 3 weeks and I have lost 13 pounds so far. I didnt weigh yesterday I will weigh in another week. I feel like I have lost though, and as long as we keep our calories at the level they are supposed to be at then we will lose.

We both wanted to try the steak sandwich supreme at Del Rancho today so we didnt eat as much as we would normally and just waited til we got the sandwich. The sandwich was good and we needed the calories, it wasnt as big as I remember them being back when I had one 20 years ago but maybe I was getting too excited over something to eat and now I am not. I go to the doctor tomorrow and see about the sleep study I went through a month ago. I know I am getting oxygen cause I need it. I cant walk very far without getting short of breath and my oxygen goes down to 77 which is very bad.

I know I am getting a cpap machine and put the oxygen in with it. I am going to get my legs taken care of too soon, I have Lymphadema and my legs are really swelling big time so I am getting them into some compression hose.  I was watching some kids this evening on tv our local channel had the kids seeing santa downtown and asking what they wanted for Christmas, this one little girl said she was wanting a dvd player for the car. I thought this was so funny she was only 5 and already wanting a dvd

I haven’t gotten into the water yet but I have gotten into drinking tea, I dont drink pop at all now which is good. I guess I am going to have to start drinking water though it is what is best for our bodies. I think its time to get into bed now and start another day tomorrow. I gotta get up early tomorrow so I better turn in. I will update again tomorrow.

Until then Life is good

The weekend is over

Well I have had a few days where I havent felt very well, and havent had the time to do a lot . Now the weekend is over and a new week begins. I am going to the doctor today and have a checkup and see why I feel so blah, its probably just a fluish feeling but it keeps hanging on.

Tim and I are sitting here watching Gunsmoke right now, I always liked Gunsmoke Festus was my favorite. I tried to do a blog yesterday but my phone is not working now and it didnt save my blog and threw the whole thing out, there was no way I was going to be able to redo the whole blog. So I am doing it now from todays point of view.

I have done well all weekend and I never starve. I weighed on Friday and it said I had lost another 3 pounds so in 2 and a half weeks I have lost 9 pounds just watching what I eat and eat and eat. HaHa. I really do eat alot for someone who is losing weight, but what I am doing is counting every calorie that goes into my mouth. I am now drinking the water too. I drank some water today not a lot mind you but it is a start. I had a 22 ounce cup full of water and drank it down.

The one thing I am so glad of is the fact that I havent even missed regular pop. Its amazing how that went away from me and I dont care, now to just get off of diet pop too but I didnt drink much of it today either. Tim and I are very excited and we just keep going everyday doing the same thing. What I am excited about is when a year is over with and we get to see how much weight we have lost by then. I want to get down to 150 to 200 pounds and just feel healthy. Well I hope you all have a wonderful Monday and I will be back on Monday night.

Until Then, Life is Good

Keeping it going!

I didn’t blog last night because I had a bad migraine and just went to bed. I feel some better today, and it was a pretty good day. We went to Mcdonalds which is now something we don’t normally do but we went to see our grandkids and they like Mcdonalds. Tim got a knee brace that is better for him which is good now maybe this one will last until his knee surgery.

I had a grilled chicken sandwich and small fries with tea at Mcdonalds plus a yogurt Parfait all of that ended up being which is 730 calories pretty good picking for Mcdonalds.

We came home this evening and just as we got in it was time to eat again. I don’t think I have ever eat this much food but we have to eat to balance ourselves and keep going. If we don’t eat enough we will gain weight and if we eat too much we will gain weight, we have to find a balance of calories that we can eat and be able to lose weight.

I have done this forever, like I said before I am a yo yo dieter I lose and get excited and then something happens and I am depressed and blowing my diet. This is me but this time Tim and I have to do this or we will not be here next Christmas and I know that’s negative but it’s also realistic.

So we are on our way now, Tim has lost 14 pounds in two weeks and I have lost 7 pounds so far. It will take us a while but it will be the best gift we can give to ourselves. We will feel so much better and walking will be something I can do again, in the meantime I have to do some sorta exercise but I will figure that out.

We had 3 small pork Chops from Aldis and half a can of peas with celery all were 400 calories. All I had today was 1300 calories and I felt like I was eating all day.

Now I am pretty much ready to go to bed and start again tomorrow and keep it going like we all have to do.

Until Then Life is good9CB97F5A-F720-4182-9CF1-7D1A17BA4F3A