Getting ready for Thanksgiving

Well this has been a blustery day. its so cold outside and anymore I just cant stand the cold but when you have to get holiday stuff then you have to go to Walmart and that means you get outside and into the blustery wind just like winnie the pooh always said.

My what a blustery day Pooh would say, and oh my how right he was. This is a couple of days before Thanksgiving and we are supposed to get the pies and the cool whip to take to my nieces house. No not to grandmas house but my nieces house, that is where everyone will be on Thanksgiving day a feast fit for a king will be on the table. I used to just love the food at holiday time but I never loved the pounds I would put on afterwards. I used to eat everything at the holidays and then I would be sick afterwards,but the last few years I finally got smart and I dont eat as much as I used too. I had gallbladder surgery when I was 26 and ever since then I get real sick after I eat. I thought the pain was bad then now I go through pain every time I eat. One of the best things about Thanksgiving is the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade, I love that parade I would give anything to go to New York for Thanksgiving just to see that parade.

I think this year Tim and I are really going to watch it this year,we are doing really pretty well I know Tim is he has already lost like 14 pounds in just a week. Of course he really likes water and I dont. I think that makes the difference. We did really well today both of us had 900 calories by the middle of the day so when we had left we decided to get something to eat and we went to braums and had a bowl of chili and a small shake and those calories were 750 calories on top of the 900 so 1650 is all I had today, and I didnt just eat food I really might not want.

This will be a good holiday and then of course Christmas is next month so here we go again. I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and make it safe and healthy!

Until then Life is good12592355_950245281691207_950908047512414028_n