It’s hard to count calories !

This has been a weekend, my husband and I had to work on Saturday at the football game and we had to get there at 530 am. It was so rough we normally go to Mcdonalds and get our breakfast and that is what we did but wow the calories in the breakfast sandwiches and the hot chocolate is amazing.

I mean it is so many calories it’s like fast food places are going to have to be out as we lose weight. I can only have 1800 calories and sometimes you think that’s a lot but No it isn’t not when the food is 400 to 500 calories at a time.

We were at work for 14 hours Saturday and you have to eat so we had our stuff from Mcdonalds which we had 2 sausage burritos and a yogurt parfait so that wasn’t too bad but then I had the hot chocolate and Tim had a donut which both were 200 calories more. If we had waited the rest of the day we would have been okay but we had our supper and that came from Sonic the carhop special and that is 1200 calories oh my that was too much!!

It was a day where it was a rough one and it was hard to go about having the right amount of calories. We got up today and did so much better, we ended up having just the amount of calories we needed for the day. We are both blogging now and I am so happy to see him really get into it. My biggest problem has always been pop. Right now I drink diet pop but even diet pop is bad and I am not a water person but I am going to have to be. Tim loves water I’m glad of that, we only need 1 pop person around . Lol I don’t want another day like Saturday it’s just hard to keep accountable when you are working all day long.

Well it’s getting late so I will talk more tomorrow I’m still tired.

Until Then Life is good

this was us a few weeks ago