Day 3 Getting Used to It

This is what Tim and I had tonight for dinner,its an turkey and egg omelet and its very good. This whole meal is 468 calories including the toast which is just dry toast. We are getting used to counting the calories and it really does help. You really become accountable for every bite you put in your mouth and that is what we have to do. I am never hungry and I eat more than I used too.maybe that’s why we are doing well. I am going to try and exercise as much as I can sitting down and then go up to more time as I lose weight.I am drinking water now which is amazing in itself. I have always disliked water but I am liking it now. We are thinking about eating egg whites and trying some of the healthy stuff like that. I cant wait to see what our weight is on Wednesday before Thanksgiving. That will be a whole week by then.

We are trying to eat during the day and not eat so much at night, I know how bad it is to eat late at night and that  is something we are going to have to get used too. We have a bowl of apples and oranges sitting on our table so we are snacking on that during the day while we are drinking water.

This is something I have to get done I have no choice anymore. I have Lymphadema and I am more swollen right now than I have ever been I cant even walk right anymore. I have bad knees and the lymphadema and the sleep apnea is so bad I could die anytime and do several times an hour. I also have to have oxygen now too. I dont know why I let myself get this bad, when I look at myself I just dont understand what went wrong.

I know this is the holiday time and probably the worst time to ever start a lifestyle change but sometimes I think this might be the best time to start, it will really show me how committed I am to wanting to change. There have been so many times I have said yes I am going to change my life and lose this weight, and I do well for a little while and then something happens and I just dont want to do it anymore. I then go straight to the pop. I used to go straight to Dr.Pepper but I did finally get off the Dr.Pepper but now  Iam a Pepsi fanatic and actually I am off of that now too thank goodness.

Its awfully hard to stay counting your calories when you just stay in and do nothing . We did that today and believe me it was hard to just concentrate on good food and not what I really want. Tomorrow is going to be a football game we work at all day so we will have to concentrate a little harder on our calorie intake and drink lots of water. But each day we get a little closer to losing the weight and a little closer to making this our life.



Hope you all have a great Saturday!
