A late night

I have been trying to figure out what I am going to say on here, it has taken me a few hours to figure out that I just need to be honest and be on here everynight. I need to be honest with myself and try to really watch what I eat and drink. I am still drinking pop but most of the pop has been diet but even diet is bad because of the sweeteners. I have a candy bar sitting in front of me right now but I am doing better with it I have only eaten half of it and it has sit here for an hour.

I really hate the way I feel anymore, I cant walk very well and I cant get out and walk down the street like I could just a few years ago. Back before my mama passed away I was out walking and losing weight and feeling good, ever since then I havent felt like doing a whole lot. Of course I got married after she passed and things just changed around. Both Tim and I have both gained weight through the years and we really need to get this weight off. I get worried that we wont be here to many more years, and we are both fairly young.

I am going to try my best to start doing something about this yo yo dieting and get healthy for once, we have too many years to not do anything but die. This is the start of our journey to getting healthier and if you all want to come along please feel free to comment.

Until Then, Life is Good


One thought on “A late night

  1. I yo-yo diet and then binge when they don’t work out. Personally I am trying to focus on not dieting and trying to make small changes one at a time. It is tough but you definitely aren’t alone. Losing weight is not easy, but if you put your mind to it I’m sure you will get where you want to be.


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