Just Thinking out loud

After starting this blog I got to thinking, why am I not important in my own mind as to not take care of myself? Why wouldnt I want to feel my very best and be able to walk again and even run? I dont know the answers to these questions,they really shouldnt be hard for me to answer. I weigh 380 pounds and that is the highest weight I have ever been. I dont feel good, and I cant walk because of the weight,bad knees. I drink too much pop, and I seemed to be addicted to sugar. I know if I got off of that stuff I would probably be fine,but it sure is a hard thing to do, its not like you can just go cold turkey, I mean I tried before and did well for a year and then bamm I was back on it again.

I just need to figure out why I dont seem to think I am important enough to want to feel good. I am married, and that is one reason I should want to feel better, I dont know this is just thinking out loud for me tonight. Maybe tomorrow night I will be able to think about the answer to this question a little more.

Until Then Life is good

Life starts now!

Today I am starting my new blog, I used to blog but for some reason I got very tired and bored with it and just didnt keep it going.I have decided to give it another try, and see how things go with this one. I plan on doing this for a lifetime but with me a lifetime might end up being tomorrow as fast as I get bored with things.

I have ADD which I had no idea I had until after I had a stroke, and when I went to rehab the people at rehab told me I had ADD. Its understandable, I never could focus on anything, I would daydream in school and never could remember anything. So now I try to focus and I try to remember but its a hard thing when you are almost 50 on top of that!

I named my blog the misadventures of a yoyo dieter, because thats what I am, I am a yo yo dieter. I have wanted to get this weight off for years but I lose it and I gain it and then I lose it again. I cant seem to lose it and keep it off. I know how to lose it, my nephew lost 300 pounds and he writes a blog, so I know how to do this I just dont seem to do it. I dont understand why but for some reason my weight doesnt seem to be as important to me as it should be.

When I was in high school, I wasnt really heavy but when I got out of high school and started on my own journey I gained weight and became this yo yo dieter that I am now.

My blog is going to be about my life as it is now and as it will be in the future. I will go back to the past at times to try and figure out why my life is like it is, but mostly this is going to be a blog to help me kick this habit of yo yo dieting and get this weight off for good. I would love for you to come join me on my misadventures and maybe we will have some new misadventures along the way.

Until Then Life Is Good


As you can see I  was not a heavy child in fact I was really a very slim child, my uncle was always wanting me to eat. He didnt think I ate enough, I proved him wrong.