Raising Canes

That was some good food, we went to Raising Canes yesterday and their chicken was so good. We just went through the drive thru but the people were very friendly and they gave us a card to join the cainiac club so we can get offers through the email.

I got the box combo and it has 4 chicken strips, cole slaw, Texas toast and sauce for the strips plus a drink. The box is 1100 calories for all and the caniac combo is 1200 calories for just 2 more strips.

I know it’s a lot of calories all at once but we ate lightly that night and so we stayed on track.

I think once in a while you can go to the fast food places and eat , you just need to count your calories that really is the key.

Today was another day of TV dinners and we had an omelet this evening to change it up some. As long as we eat at home we will be counting each calorie but we are losing  some . It’s been 2 weeks and Tim has lost 14 pounds and I have lost a few pounds. But we are getting there.

Its been a good day

Until Then Life is good

A Lazy Sunday

Well this has been a good day, a lazy day but a good day. We have been watching Christmas movies all evening and football all afternoon. I live here with my brother and my husband so it’s normally football on Sunday . Lol

I actually got to 1850 calories tonight but it took all evening counting up the calories to get there. I used to never have this problem of not enough calories it was always too many and believe me it didn’t take long.

Im still sore but I will be okay, I don’t think I’ve ever had a fall like I had the other night. It was such a hard fall that I bruised up pretty much everywhere but I’m healing.

Today we actually had an 8 oz sirlon steak that was only 240 calories for the whole 8 oz. That was really good we had that with mashed potatoes and green beans  a good Sunday dinner that was low in calorie.

You don’t have to eat fattening foods if you just watch it and really look at the ingredients on the package. Portion control is really the way you have to do this, it’s all portion control. I actually do feel like I’m losing I just haven’t stepped onto the scales lately. I will soon but I want to get a few weeks under my belt first.

I’m cutting it short tonight but I will be here tomorrow night again.

Until Then Life is good

Thanksgiving weekend

Hi Kelli here and I know I haven’t been on here for a few days , well it’s been a busy Thanksgiving. Tim and I have done pretty well this weekend and we both have done well with our calorie count . I had a fall on Friday night here at the house that hurt my back and really shook me up.

The fall I had really made me think because as strong as my brother and husband both are they still couldn’t get me up off the floor. This is one reason I have to lose this weight. We ended up having to call the ambulance and the firefighters to help me up. It took 4 men to lift me and put me in the bed . I still think I was too heavy even for them but they lifted me. I never thought I would get back in this bed again. It really shook me up.

Today we watched football OSU /Kansas, and OU / WVirginia. That was fun I’m very sore and my back hurts but I’m going to be okay soon. I ended up with 1600 calories for the day and hopefully soon I will see a loss in weight. We watched a good Christmas movie tonight The Christmas Train it was so good and then tomorrow will be another one with Candace Cameron Bure.

I will talk to you all again tomorrow but right now I’m sore.

Until Then Life is good this was our family on Thanksgiving missing one person Karen she was taking this picture but she is a big part of our family as well. It was a good weekend!

Getting ready for Thanksgiving

Well this has been a blustery day. its so cold outside and anymore I just cant stand the cold but when you have to get holiday stuff then you have to go to Walmart and that means you get outside and into the blustery wind just like winnie the pooh always said.

My what a blustery day Pooh would say, and oh my how right he was. This is a couple of days before Thanksgiving and we are supposed to get the pies and the cool whip to take to my nieces house. No not to grandmas house but my nieces house, that is where everyone will be on Thanksgiving day a feast fit for a king will be on the table. I used to just love the food at holiday time but I never loved the pounds I would put on afterwards. I used to eat everything at the holidays and then I would be sick afterwards,but the last few years I finally got smart and I dont eat as much as I used too. I had gallbladder surgery when I was 26 and ever since then I get real sick after I eat. I thought the pain was bad then now I go through pain every time I eat. One of the best things about Thanksgiving is the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade, I love that parade I would give anything to go to New York for Thanksgiving just to see that parade.

I think this year Tim and I are really going to watch it this year,we are doing really pretty well I know Tim is he has already lost like 14 pounds in just a week. Of course he really likes water and I dont. I think that makes the difference. We did really well today both of us had 900 calories by the middle of the day so when we had left we decided to get something to eat and we went to braums and had a bowl of chili and a small shake and those calories were 750 calories on top of the 900 so 1650 is all I had today, and I didnt just eat food I really might not want.

This will be a good holiday and then of course Christmas is next month so here we go again. I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and make it safe and healthy!

Until then Life is good12592355_950245281691207_950908047512414028_n



It’s hard to count calories !

This has been a weekend, my husband and I had to work on Saturday at the football game and we had to get there at 530 am. It was so rough we normally go to Mcdonalds and get our breakfast and that is what we did but wow the calories in the breakfast sandwiches and the hot chocolate is amazing.

I mean it is so many calories it’s like fast food places are going to have to be out as we lose weight. I can only have 1800 calories and sometimes you think that’s a lot but No it isn’t not when the food is 400 to 500 calories at a time.

We were at work for 14 hours Saturday and you have to eat so we had our stuff from Mcdonalds which we had 2 sausage burritos and a yogurt parfait so that wasn’t too bad but then I had the hot chocolate and Tim had a donut which both were 200 calories more. If we had waited the rest of the day we would have been okay but we had our supper and that came from Sonic the carhop special and that is 1200 calories oh my that was too much!!

It was a day where it was a rough one and it was hard to go about having the right amount of calories. We got up today and did so much better, we ended up having just the amount of calories we needed for the day. We are both blogging now and I am so happy to see him really get into it. My biggest problem has always been pop. Right now I drink diet pop but even diet pop is bad and I am not a water person but I am going to have to be. Tim loves water I’m glad of that, we only need 1 pop person around . Lol I don’t want another day like Saturday it’s just hard to keep accountable when you are working all day long.

Well it’s getting late so I will talk more tomorrow I’m still tired.

Until Then Life is good

this was us a few weeks ago

Day 3 Getting Used to It

This is what Tim and I had tonight for dinner,its an turkey and egg omelet and its very good. This whole meal is 468 calories including the toast which is just dry toast. We are getting used to counting the calories and it really does help. You really become accountable for every bite you put in your mouth and that is what we have to do. I am never hungry and I eat more than I used too.maybe that’s why we are doing well. I am going to try and exercise as much as I can sitting down and then go up to more time as I lose weight.I am drinking water now which is amazing in itself. I have always disliked water but I am liking it now. We are thinking about eating egg whites and trying some of the healthy stuff like that. I cant wait to see what our weight is on Wednesday before Thanksgiving. That will be a whole week by then.

We are trying to eat during the day and not eat so much at night, I know how bad it is to eat late at night and that  is something we are going to have to get used too. We have a bowl of apples and oranges sitting on our table so we are snacking on that during the day while we are drinking water.

This is something I have to get done I have no choice anymore. I have Lymphadema and I am more swollen right now than I have ever been I cant even walk right anymore. I have bad knees and the lymphadema and the sleep apnea is so bad I could die anytime and do several times an hour. I also have to have oxygen now too. I dont know why I let myself get this bad, when I look at myself I just dont understand what went wrong.

I know this is the holiday time and probably the worst time to ever start a lifestyle change but sometimes I think this might be the best time to start, it will really show me how committed I am to wanting to change. There have been so many times I have said yes I am going to change my life and lose this weight, and I do well for a little while and then something happens and I just dont want to do it anymore. I then go straight to the pop. I used to go straight to Dr.Pepper but I did finally get off the Dr.Pepper but now  Iam a Pepsi fanatic and actually I am off of that now too thank goodness.

Its awfully hard to stay counting your calories when you just stay in and do nothing . We did that today and believe me it was hard to just concentrate on good food and not what I really want. Tomorrow is going to be a football game we work at all day so we will have to concentrate a little harder on our calorie intake and drink lots of water. But each day we get a little closer to losing the weight and a little closer to making this our life.



Hope you all have a great Saturday!


Well November 16 day 2

Well today was a full day of actually watching my calories. I never realized before how much you really have to concentrate on eating and how much you eat. I always just ate and didn’t really think about how many calories was in what I ate.

I have had a very busy day cleaning and grocery shopping and doing the dishes and the clothes and then whatever I have to do for my husband to help him. It has been such a day, but I stayed right on counting my calories and did really well with it.

I know it is going to be a little while before Tim and I can actually exercise but believe me I did plenty today. I think I will do what I can sitting down. I know this is going to be a lifestyle change, after all it’s supposed to be a change for the rest of my life . Now if I could just get used to water and drinking it like I drink pop.

I have done well though I have only drank diet pop and not even thought about Pepsi. this is me and my great great nephew Oliver, isn’t he so cute!! This was a couple of weeks ago.

I am going to make this short tonight. I’m pretty tired another day starts soon.

Have a happy Friday!!

Until Then Life is Good

This is the Time

I posted earlier about how I was feeling then, well I am really starting to feel better now about this and I know that as long as I stay with this I will lose the weight. My husband and I are going to do this. We both had around 2000 calories today and that is about the amount we are supposed to have. We are not old people and we still have years ahead of us,so we need to make the changes now so we can enjoy our years ahead.

I have actually done so well by having diet pop today, just set my mind to it and did it. Normally I would get a large Pepsi and drink that and then if we went to Walmart I would get another one there. Can you imagine the calories I was drinking? I always said that I drink my calories but I dont need to anymore. I really dont know why I didnt do this earlier after all I was blogging over on blogger a few years ago and doing very well with my weight loss, but see this is what I am a yo yo dieter. I do well and then I eat again and gain more back, in fact I gain more than I lost and I have done this a few times.

Normally, I think its because I am an emotional eater, something happens I eat, I get bored I eat. I get depressed I eat chocolate and drink pop. Water has never been on my menus, although it should be and its going to start being now. My nephew Sean Anderson he is an inspirational speaker on this subject, like I said earlier he lost 300 pounds and he does know how to do it. I am just hoping that we can stick to this so that we lose our big amount of weight that we need to lose. I am wanting to just be healthy and be able to walk again.

Do you know how awful it feels when you cant walk because of the amount of weight you have on your body or just looking at yourself in the mirror and seeing this person who used to look decent but now looks so fat she cant stand it anymore. I have Lymphadema and bone to bone knees, I have sleep apnea and I hurt all the time with fibromyalgia. Each of these ailments are caused because of weight gain. I could get rid of these ailments as long as I get rid of my weight. Should be easy right? I thought so but it isnt for some reason.

This is my way of getting everything out in the open and being accountable for what I have done today. Each day I will be accountable for myself and go through my emotions as well. This will be a lot cheaper than going to a Psychologist for an opinion. lol I hope this helps you too as well as it helps me.

Until Then, Life is Good

100E2493this was me when I started blogging a few years ago and I lost 75 pounds getting under 300 for the first time since I was 20.img_1725

Here I am today back up to the weight I was and more.

A second look

I was up late last night trying to do things on my blog but I didn’t get to do a blog. Today I took a second look at my weight and my calories, oh my how I wish I had done this years ago . I weigh more than what I wrote on here, I never thought I would get close to 400. I have never been this heavy.

What do I do at this weight? How can I do any exercise? I can drink my water which I don’t like and I’m counting calories and that in itself just stunned me how many calories there are in some of these foods. Tim and I always get the specials from sonic and we always do the specials from the Mcdonalds app.

  • Well we got our food today and then looked at the calories and
  • The 10 piece chicken McNuggets 468 calories
  • The grilled cheese from sonic 410 for each one.
  • Bought 2 each 820 calories there
  • Diet drink

Total 1288 calories so far.

It just amazes me how much I put into my body without paying attention to it. Now we are going into the holidays the worst time for anyone trying to lose weight.

I really hope I can do this, Tim and I both need this or we won’t be here next year. My legs are so swollen right now and they just hurt. It’s just time, time to get it in gear.

Until Then Life is good

A late night

I have been trying to figure out what I am going to say on here, it has taken me a few hours to figure out that I just need to be honest and be on here everynight. I need to be honest with myself and try to really watch what I eat and drink. I am still drinking pop but most of the pop has been diet but even diet is bad because of the sweeteners. I have a candy bar sitting in front of me right now but I am doing better with it I have only eaten half of it and it has sit here for an hour.

I really hate the way I feel anymore, I cant walk very well and I cant get out and walk down the street like I could just a few years ago. Back before my mama passed away I was out walking and losing weight and feeling good, ever since then I havent felt like doing a whole lot. Of course I got married after she passed and things just changed around. Both Tim and I have both gained weight through the years and we really need to get this weight off. I get worried that we wont be here to many more years, and we are both fairly young.

I am going to try my best to start doing something about this yo yo dieting and get healthy for once, we have too many years to not do anything but die. This is the start of our journey to getting healthier and if you all want to come along please feel free to comment.

Until Then, Life is Good
